Dr. Gary Hsia's photo

Dr. Gary Hsia

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Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas

(203) reviews


Service Area: Fresno, CA & Surrounding Areas
Notice Required: 2 hours
Animals Served: All Size Dogs & Cats
Services Offered: In-home pet euthanasia, Deceased Pet Pick Up, Afterhours & Same Day Urgent Appointment (on request), Extended Travel (Fees may apply), Phone Consult, In-home pet euthanasia consult
City: Fresno, CA


Dr. Gary graduated from the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine in 2010. After graduation, he moved west. Dr. Gary spent a year at a mixed animal practice in Oregon before moving to Fresno where he worked at All Creatures Veterinary Clinic from 2011-2021. Dr. Gary grew up constantly learning and finding ways to help others. He loved everything animal related, whether it was watching wildlife or visiting pet stores. His parents allowed him to have a variety of pets growing up from hamsters, fish, and parakeets to iguanas... as long as they did not need live food. Dr. Gary believes precious memories with your pet should never be overshadowed by a stressful goodbye. He has firsthand experience with the stress of saying goodbye to his first dog Willy at the clinic, and since then being able to say goodbye to two other dogs at home. This is why a peaceful passing at home is so important to him. In his free time, Dr. Gary enjoys family time working around his small hobby farm, watching sports, and hiking around the Sierras.